There are various levels of RDM-related networking in Baden-Württemberg, for example
- among higher education institutions of the same type (research data management working group Arbeitskreis Forschungsdatenmanagement for universities, FORTH-BW for universities of applied sciences),
- within a university with multiple campi (FDM@DHBW)
- and within one institution (NFDI@KIT Networking or the RDM Forum at KIT).
So far, however, there has been no networking-related offering at Baden-Württemberg state level to connect RDM stakeholders across institutions as well as across different types of higher education institution.
With the bwFDM Forum, the Baden-Württemberg state initiative for research data management bwFDM offers that kind of format. The Forum intends to promote cross-institutional networking and exchange on current developments and challenges in the field of research data management. Along these lines, it encourages the development of collaborations, for example via working groups.
The Forum’s topics as well as its organisation will be based on the needs of the BW community. In this vein, the Forum’s set-up will be designed jointly.
Topic of the first instalment: The research data strategy of Baden-Württemberg’s universities
We are planning something special for the kick-off of the bwFDM Forum: unlike the following instalments, the kick-off will be open to participants from all German-speaking countries. In cooperation with the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (MWK), we invite you to discuss the research data strategy of Baden-Württemberg's universities and to help shape the future implementation concept. To this end, we would like to bring together a wide range of expertise from Baden-Württemberg and beyond.
When: 11.11.2024 1 - 5 pm
Where: online
Please register via e-mail to by 11.10.2024.