We will be happy to support you with regards to


There is now a wide range of counselling services on research data management. Under RDM in BW, we have compiled an overview of local RDM service centres and contact points in Baden-Württemberg. On forschungsdaten.org you can find further federal RDM contacts and beyond. Our information platform forschungsdaten.info offers extensive information on research data management. If you have discipline-specific questions, you can contact the NFDI consortium which is responsible for your discipline.

If you are still unsure where to turn with your enquiry or if no suitable contact point is available, please contact us at support@bwfdm.de.

Workshops and Training

As part of our work as a state initiative, we also offer training courses on research data management on request. Please feel free to contact us with your workshop or training idea at kontakt@bwfdm.de.

Courses and Course Material

Training slides: FDM im Promotionsprozess für Informatik, Ingenieurwissenschaften und Elektrotechnik (in German, 15.05.2024)

This training was held on 15.05.2024 as part of the qualification program of the Promotionsverband BW. Contents of the training were:

  • Core elements and motivation behind FDM
  • How can I implement RDM?
  • Legal aspects, contact points & conclusion

Training slides

Training slides: Publikation von Forschungsdaten. Was gilt es dabei zu beachten? (in German, 09.04.2024)

On April 9, 2024, the state initiative bwFDM introduced the topic publishing research data as part of the lunch break sessions at Aalen University. The training focused on

  • Motivation for data publication
  • Planning publication at an early stage: Who is involved in the data?
  • Planning publication at an early stage: Who is needed to publish?
  • Data documentation
  • Metadata
  • Sharing and publishing data: Where? Repositories and data journals
  • Sharing and publishing data: Which ones and when?
  • Contact points
  • Further reading & links

Training slides

Training material: Grundlagenworkshop: Wie werde ich zum Manager meiner Forschungsdaten? (in German, 18.01.2023)

The topics of this interactive training were:

  • What is research data and what does research data management mean?
  • What is a research data lifecycle?
  • FAIR principles
  • What is a data management plan?
  • What are repositories and why should I use them?
  • Legal issues (areas of law)
  • Publishing (licenses)


Training slides: Forschungsdatenmanagement - Eine Kurzeinführung (in German, 13.12.2022)

This training course provided a compact introduction to research data management. The key questions were:

  • What is research data?
  • What is research data management?
  • What are the goals of research data management?
  • Why should I do research data management?
  • How do I do it? The research data life cycle

Presentation slides

Training slides and material: Rechtlicher Umgang mit Forschungsdaten - Lizenzen und Urheberrecht (in German, 15.11.2021)

Building on and expanding the workshop Urheberrecht und Lizenzierung bei Forschungsdaten, the workshop Rechtlicher Umgang mit Forschungsdaten - Lizenzen und Urheberrecht, which bw2FDM offered together with the Thuringian Competence Network for Research Data Management, offers reusable materials on rights to research data and suitable licenses for their publication: In addition to presentation slides, case studies, quizzes and practical exercises including sample solutions are available.

Material and Slides (in German)

Training material: Workshop Research Data Management (in German, 14.10. + 15.10.2021)

This workshop on research data management was conducted for the research advisors of Baden-Württemberg's universities of applied sciences. The materials are designed for a five-hour workshop in which input and exercises alternate. Contents:

  • What is research data? Why research data management?
  • Research data life cycle
  • FAIR principles
  • RDM services in Baden-Württemberg and beyond
  • RDM policies
  • Data management plans
  • Legal issues of research data management

Training material

Training slides and material: Urheberrecht und Lizenzierung bei Forschungsdaten (in German, 23.08.2021)

It is not uncommon for the topic of legal aspects of research data to cause a sweat - both among researchers and those who are supposed to train them. Together with the UAG Training/Fortbildungen, bw2FDM would like to take this fear away from trainers and show them how to convey the topic in an understandable and interactive way. The online workshop materials provide an introduction to copyright law and present various licensing models. Several practical exercises and case studies are used to consolidate the newly acquired knowledge. The comprehensive materials, including exercises, teaching script and answers to questions asked during the event, are available on Zenodo.

Material and presentation slides

Training slides: Data protection law and research - Nothing but a nuisance? (24.06.2021)

In many disciplines, people and their behavior are the subject of research. This forces researchers to deal with data protection law, as personal data is collected and, occasionally, published. The materials in this workshop attempt to provide guidance on how to handle personal data. They also introduce the topic of anonymization and present the legal basis for data processing. All slides are available in English - key terms are introduced in English and German.

Downloading the course material

Training recording and slides: Forschungsdatenmanagement in Bibliotheken – ein Zukunftsfeld (in German, 21.12.2020)

Politics and academia have recognized the sharing of research data as a central factor for scientific and scholarly innovation. This requires structures and workflows for its administration and long-term preservation - in other words, research data management. But what does this mean in practice? What legal problems arise? And what opportunities does this topic offer for libraries and library science students?

View the recording
Course material

Online self-study course: Open Science: Von Daten zu Publikationen (in German, 08.09.2020)

Politicians and research funders are promoting Open Science - but what benefits does this offer you and your research? This self-study online course from 2020 introduces you to the various aspects of Open Science in research and teaching. The focus is on research data management, open access publishing and sharing teaching materials as open educational resources (OER). Organizational, technical and legal best practices for publishing and preparing academic data and texts are discussed in a practical way. The course materials are available as OER on Zenodo for reuse.

Visit the online course
Course material

Training material: Forschungsdaten veröffentlichen - Organisatorische und rechtliche Fragen (in German, 28.05.2020)

The materials of the course Forschungsdaten veröffentlichen - Organisatorische und rechtliche Fragen inform about the reasons for publishing research data. You will also gain an insight into which legal obstacles to avoid, which repositories are suitable for your publication and how to license data.

Course material

Training slides: Forschungsdaten – Rechte und gute wissenschaftliche Praxis (in German, 22.04.2020)

The training course Forschungsdaten – Rechte und gute wissenschaftliche Praxis deals with the basics and legal aspects of research data management and provides information in relation to the DFG guidelines on good scientific practice. The materials provide answers to the following questions: Why do we manage research data? What do we need to bear in mind with regard to the DFG Guidelines on Good Scientific Practice? And who actually owns the research data?

Course material