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Research Data Infrastructure in Baden-Württemberg

Research data management has long been firmly established in Baden-Württemberg. Many institutions have their own local service points that offer their members RDM-related consultations. Our interactive service map provides an overview.

Here you can find a list with brief descriptions of the RDM-related services and tools that are offered in Baden-Württemberg. Availability, features and prices vary. Links to the relevant contact points are provided as well. All service texts link to a page with further information, introductory and training material and information on the relevant contact points.

State-wide RDM services

bwCloud Scope – state-wide service based on the visualisation software OpenStack

bwCloud Scope is a federated state service based on the virtualisation software OpenStack.

It provides members of the higher education institutions with virtual machines (servers) on a self-provisioning basis and without tedious application processes (Infrastructure as a Service - IaaS).

Mappings of common operating systems are available for the virtual machines. These allow for a basic installation, which can be easily put into operation. As the users are administrators of the virtual machines, they can make adjustments based on their respective requirements and install application software independently.

bwDataArchive – long-term data storage

bwDataArchive is a state service for the long-term archiving of data operated at the KIT in Karlsruhe. This service is suitable for the long-term (ten years) storage of cold data that no longer needs to be accessed quickly and regularly. It is also possible to archive large amounts of data in the three-digit terabyte range. This service comes with a fee. Ask the research data consultant at your university for details and access.

bwHPC – High performance computing Baden-Württemberg

Through bwHPC - High Performance Computing in Baden-Württemberg, various cluster and storage resources are available to the local academic community. In addition to a federated bwHPC infrastructure, i.e. the hardware and software components of the high-performance computers, bwHPC offers subject-specific competence centres, a state-wide support system, tiger teams for interdisciplinary or cross-university projects, as well as various training formats in presence, online or for self-study.

bwHPC course programme

bwHPC Wiki (incl. self-study units)

bwNET2020+ - Research and innovative services for a flexible net in Baden-Württemberg

The bwNET2020+ project is dedicated to advancing BelWÜ and campus networks on the basis of powerful and flexible (e.g. through SDN, SFC P4) networks. Where plausible and manageable, new possibilities for adaptation are to be implemented step by step in a targeted and forward-looking manner. With a strong focus on use cases that show how concrete first steps towards self-driving networks can be taken in the context of BelWü and campus networks, network operations and network research work closely together.

Further information (DE)

bwSFS - Storage for Science

bwSFS is a storage system, which can be used by members of the universities of Freiburg and Tübingen and the communities of the HPC clusters NEMO and BinAC.

bwSFS is funded by the DFG and the state of Baden-Württemberg. The DFG part is dedicated to the processing of data in ongoing research projects, while the state's share is used to support long-term storage and provision. The cooperating universities are pursuing their strategic goal of providing the necessary infrastructure for long-term archiving and data publication as research-intensive and modern research institutions.

bwSFS can be used as a storage system in the participating institutions. Further services, which are offered on bwSFS are: InvenioRDM for publication, GitLab for versioning and OMERO for managing storage-hungry image data.

bwSync&Share – Sharing and Storage

bwSync&Share is a state-wide service for storing, sharing and exchanging files. The data is stored in Baden-Württemberg. As many state universities are connected to bwSync&Share, sharing with colleagues is relatively easy. There are no costs and the service is suitable for manageable amounts of data.

Further information

SDS@hd – Storage service for hot data

SDS@hd is a storage service for hot data at Heidelberg University. The state service is available to researchers at Baden-Württemberg's universities. This service is particularly suitable for data that needs to be quickly available for calculations related to the state’s HPC clusters. There is a fee for using the service. Please arrange a personal consultation with the research data team at your institution to discuss the conditions.